The Awakening

Ten Ways to Find Peace in God

Ten Ways to Find Peace in God

.Ten Ways to Find Peace in God How can I find peace in tribulations? That was the question I asked a few years ago when everything around me was crumbling....

Ten Ways to Find Peace in God

.Ten Ways to Find Peace in God How can I find peace in tribulations? That was the question I asked a few years ago when everything around me was crumbling....

How We Are Created (Romans 7:21-25)

How We Are Created (Romans 7:21-25)

All of mankind is created equally with God and Satan being a part of us. It’s written our flesh live to sin’s law and our minds live to God’s law...

How We Are Created (Romans 7:21-25)

All of mankind is created equally with God and Satan being a part of us. It’s written our flesh live to sin’s law and our minds live to God’s law...

We All Have Salvation

We All Have Salvation

We all have Salvation! God lets the unrighteousness and righteous ones enjoy the rain and sunshine. Doing this to let us all know not one of us will be given...

We All Have Salvation

We all have Salvation! God lets the unrighteousness and righteous ones enjoy the rain and sunshine. Doing this to let us all know not one of us will be given...

What are the Thoughts You're Claiming Today?

What are the Thoughts You're Claiming Today?

Are you filled with Anger and resentment, that’s from Satan.     Are you filled with anxiety, that’s from Satan.     Are you filled with hatred, that’s from Satan....

What are the Thoughts You're Claiming Today?

Are you filled with Anger and resentment, that’s from Satan.     Are you filled with anxiety, that’s from Satan.     Are you filled with hatred, that’s from Satan....

This is the Master I Serve

This is the Master I Serve

Proverbs 8 1 Does not wisdom call out?    Does not understanding raise her voice?2 At the highest point along the way,    where the paths meet, she takes her stand;3 beside the gate leading into the...

This is the Master I Serve

Proverbs 8 1 Does not wisdom call out?    Does not understanding raise her voice?2 At the highest point along the way,    where the paths meet, she takes her stand;3 beside the gate leading into the...

Our Thoughts

Our Thoughts

All thoughts whether good or evil is given to mankind from the spiritual realm. Mankind cannot give themselves thoughts. The only thing mankind can do is obey thoughts that are...

Our Thoughts

All thoughts whether good or evil is given to mankind from the spiritual realm. Mankind cannot give themselves thoughts. The only thing mankind can do is obey thoughts that are...