Trailer 2

God is willing

Book Trailer

God is Willing

New Release:

God is Willing

God Says, "Is my hand too short that I can’t save, even during my Great Judgement Day? Or do you think that I will remove my Hand? I am who I am, The One and The Omega!" God is Willing is a compelling book that talks about God and Satan. Compelling us to understand the spiritual realm and how it affects us all. We the people cannot see God or Satan; however, they can see each other. So, God has made a way for us the people to discern the difference. (Proverbs 3:13-18)
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A message

from Charlene

God inspired me to write this book because of the many things that He showed me as He was guiding me through the Bible. One of the things that He taught me was this: All thoughts, whether good or bad, are given to mankind, spiritually. (Mathew 6:24, Ecclesiastes 1:9)

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